• Joseph Kosuth One and Three Photographs [Eng./Germ.], 1965
    Joseph Kosuth
    One and Three Photographs [Eng./Germ.], 1965
  • Carmen Herrera, Blanco y Verde
    Carmen Herrera (1915-2022)
    To: P.M., 1967
  • Joseph Kosuth One and Three Shadows [Ety./Hist.], 1965
    Joseph Kosuth
    One and Three Shadows [Ety./Hist.], 1965
  • Cindy Sherman, Untitled #435, 1976
  • John Baldessari (1931-2020) Beethoven's Trumpet (With Ear), 2007
    John Baldessari (1931-2020)
    Beethoven's Trumpet (With Ear) Opus #133, 2007
  • Cindy Sherman, Untitled #429, 1976
  • Kaz Oshiro
    Kaz Oshiro
    Washer/Dryer Combo (Green Soap Residue), 2008
  • Rita Ackermann, Washing Dishes...
    Rita Ackermann
    Washing Dishes Helps in the Metabolism, 1995
  • Kaz Oshiro
    Kaz Oshiro
    Small Fridge, 2007
  • Karen Kilimnik, the witche's stables, half formed, Hampshire
    Karen Kilimnik
    the witche's stables, half formed, Hampshire, 2008
  • Karen Kilimnik The Matterhorn at night, dreamland, 9pm, 3am, Zermatt, 2004
    Karen Kilimnik
    The Matterhorn at night, dreamland, 9pm, 3am, Zermatt, 2004
  • Karen Kilimnik the gold statue, Columbus Circle, winter, snowstorm in N.Y., guy wiggins
    Karen Kilimnik
    the gold statue, Columbus Circle, winter, snowstorm in N.Y., guy wiggins, 2009